Fall Festival Vendor Application
Sunday - October 8, 2023
Spring Street, Newton llam — 4pm
Rain or Shine
Name of Company Business Address
Contact Person
Email Cell phone
Business Facebook @ Instagram @
Name (s) of person (s) attending the event
Cell phone of at least one (1) person attending the event
Items for sale (be specific; only one (1) of each consultant-based business permitted)
Space requested (choose one):
12 1 x 10' space
24' x 10' space
GNCC Member:
o $40.00
o $80.00
o $50.00
o $90.00
Spring Street Business:
O Free
o $40.00
o Please return this registration form with your check made payable to 'GNCC' by September 15, 2023. Credit/debit payments incur a processing fee: pay online at GreaterNewtonCC.com/Fall-Festival. o You must bring your own tables and chairs. Canopies must be secured with leg weights.
Spring Street will be closed at 8:30am. Enter at Union Pl. & Spring St. intersection between 9:00am-10:15am. You must be ready to vend and your vehicle removed by 10:30am. You must remain set up with your booth staffed until 4pm.
Vendors who break-down early will not be permitted at next year's event. o This event is Rain or Shine. Please, plan accordingly.
o No refunds will be granted unless canceled by the GNCC & the Town of Newton. Electricity is not available. Generators are not permitted.
o Music may not be played from your booth. Live music will be provided.
Food vendors must submit a separate Food Vendor application. Food trucks require an additional application process.
o Applications with payment must be received no later than September 15, 2023. We will confirm receipt of your application and payment when processed.
o We reserve the right to refuse your application. In this case, your payment will be voided or refunded. o A portion of this event's vendor fees will benefit the GNCC Scholarship Fund!
Return this application with payment by September 15. 2023 to:
Greater Newton Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 386, Newton, NJ 07860
For information, contact the GNCC by Email: office@greaternewtoncc.com or Call: (973) 300-0433 Follow us on Facebook for updates! @NewtonChamber & @GoNewtonNJ
Greater Newton Chamber Commerce